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Diyan Duke

Diyan Antonio Duke is an American born and raised interdisciplinary artist currently residing in Bremen, Germany. He aims to create raw and honest projects that provide social commentary, from an African American perspective, on contemporary issues by deconstructing them using pop culture themes as reference points to generate dialogue.


Year of birth: 1974
Country of residence: Germany

TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?
    8:15 AM

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?
    😠(Angry face)

  3. Standing at the airport today with a free ticket, where would you go?

  4. The best thing about a country you lived in:
    It is relatively safe.

  5. More of this in Europe, please:

  6. Europe can do without:
    Far-Right Parties

  7. What do you deeply care about?

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Blood Brothers: Malcolm X & Muhammad Ali

  9. Hylkje asks: Fall or spring?
    Definitely fall.

  10. What do you want to know about the next person?
    What they care about.

Author and Artist of:

Unwelcome neighbour? (TEMA#7 – Housing)

Race for normality (TEMA#6 – Normality)

A head start on sustainability (TEMA#5 – Consumption)