Bella De Angelis

Bella De Angelis is an essayist and aspiring big shot based in Toronto—soon-to-be New York City. Her body of work consists primarily of long-form cultural criticism often featuring tid-bits of sometimes relevant citations into her personal life. She attempts to unscramble complex economic, cultural and political phenomena by way of low-brow internet wit and ranty essays, often with one too many sweeping statements and/or pop-cultural references. She enjoys attention and dislikes men who have podcasts.

Year of birth: 1999
Country of residence: Canada/United States (formerly The Netherlands)

TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?
    12:38 PM

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?

  3. Standing at the airport today with a free ticket, where would you go?
    Victoria, BC

  4. The best thing about a country you lived in:
    The mountains and the trees and my father’s little vegetable garden

  5. More of this in Europe, please:

  6. Europe can do without:
    Elitist art institutions

  7. What do you deeply care about?
    Widespread access to affordable housing

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Little Weirds by Jenny Slate (deeply relatable and amusing ramblings that I could have mistaken for those in my own head)

  9. Regine asks: Why are you creating?
    Too Late To Turn Back Now — Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose

  10. What do you want to know about the next person?
    Can I read something you’ve written?

Author of:

The luxury homeownership content paradigm (TEMA#7 – Housing)