Will Boase

I moved to Uganda when I was 22, and started working as a photojournalist, taking pictures for the international press and for charities. The work wasn’t what I had imagined it would be, so I started a backpacker hostel and became an architectural photographer. Then COVID came, and now I am starting again, studying an MA at the Royal Academy in The Hague, NL. At this moment, I am sitting at home on a plastic chair with all my stuff in boxes, waiting for a flight back to The Hague.

Year of birth: 1988
Country of residence: Uganda/Netherlands

TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?
    07:06- the sun is just rising.

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?
    The 👌 one.

  3. Standing at the train station today with a free ticket, where would you go?
    Definitely Albania.

  4. The best thing about a country you lived in:
    In Uganda, the fruit and the birds. In the Netherlands, bicycles and scoop shops.

  5. More of this in Europe, please:
    Understanding that we’re all always closer to being in a boat than being a billionaire. Rooting for the rich is a waste of everything.

  6. Europe can do without:
    Fossil fuel subsidies, fast fashion and Thierry Baudet.

  7. What do you deeply care about?
    What comes after the system we live in now.

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Wizard of the Crow, by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

  9. What song fills you instantly with joy?
    Cry to Me - Solomon Burke.

  10. What’s the worst question someone could ask you? 
    How’s your thesis going?

Author of:

Insider trading (TEMA#7 – Housing)