Isabelle Winkler

I feel most inspired when engaging in cultural activism that drives positive social change. My ambition is to produce media that unpacks prejudices and deconstructs the way we view the world. I want to question the way we have been taught to think, ultimately with the goal of creating more inclusive and equitable structures and spaces within societies. Born and raised in Australia, I studied Media and Communications at The University of Melbourne, and now live in Berlin as a content creative and writer.

Name: Isabelle (Issy) Winkler 
Year of birth: 1998 
Country of residence: Germany


TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?

  3. Standing at the train station today with a free ticket, where would you go?

  4. The best thing about the country you live in:
    (Almost) free higher education

  5. More of this in Europe, please:
    Accepting refugees and asylum seekers.

  6. Europe can do without:

  7. What do you deeply care about?
    Social equity and sustainable development.

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

  9. What song fills you instantly with joy?
    True Faith by New Order

  10. What’s the worst question someone could ask you? 
    Can you explain how a blockchain works?

Author of:

Welcome to my smart crib (TEMA#7 – Housing)

A moderation of likes (TEMA#5 – Consumption)