“Nowadays we live in a very hard moment!”

Letter Project: We received a letter! Lola from Spain sent us her reflection about the world and the destruction of her own environment. She is from a small village in Galicia. Lola left school at the age of six to take care of her younger brothers. She learnt to write and read through self-study. Her granddaughter Carmen sent us the letter and translated the Spanish version into English.

Thank you so much for participating in our project! 


31th of December – 2020

My granddaughter Carmen asked me how I see the world and what I do expect from it. I didn’t know what to answer. Nowadays we live in a very hard moment. Nature tells us to be calm. I hope the Coronavirus pandemic, the destruction of the seas and the rivers and the extinction of some species make us reflect.

I was born on the bank of the Miño River, on the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean. On 21st January I will be 79 years old. I learnt to swim at 8 years old at the river that is 200m from my home. Back in the time, we used to play with the fishes. Sometimes we brought home a plaice or a sole. We stepped on them with our feet and we took them with our hands. With a small piece of fishing net, we used to catch eels, trouts, snook, mullets...many families lived from fishing.

I became a grandmother at the age of 50 and I was lucky to see my grandchildren bathing at the same river. I felt very sorry of not being able to teach them to fish with our feet because in our Miño River there are no more 4kg bass, lamprey, snook that back in the days where the livelihood of many families. In the island of Turrueiro, neither cows nor horses graze any longer.

I want to be optimistic and dream that one day the descendants of my house in El Cotro of the Pías neighbourhood will be strong enough to fix the paradise that has been destroyed.

Lola – Grandma to Sergio, Mariana, Carmen and Manuel El Rosál (Pontevedra))

31 de Diciembre – 2020

Mi nieta Carmen me preguntó qué espero yo del futuro que le espera al mundo. No supe qué contestar. Ahora mismo estamos en un momento muy duro. La naturaleza nos está diciendo que tengamos calma. Espero que la epidemia del coronavirus la destrucción de los mares, de los ríos, la extinción de las especies...  nos haga reflexionar. 

Nací en la orilla del río Miño, en la desembocadura del océano Atlántico. El 21 de enero cumple 79 años. Aprendí a nadar a los 8 años, el río está a 200 metros de mi casa. En esa época jugábamos con los peces, a veces traíamos para casa una solla o un lenguado. Los pisabamos con los pies y los cojiamos con las manos, con un pequeño trozo de red de pescar, se cojian anguilas, truchas, sobalizas y mújoles, muchas familias vivían de la pesca.

Fui abuela a los cincuenta años, tuve la suerte de que mis nietos se pudieran bañar en el mismo sitio. Sentir mucha pessa, de no podía enseñarlos a pescar con los pies, porque en nuestra río Miño ya no hay sábalos de cuatro kilos, ni angulas, ni anguilas, ni lampreas, ni robalizas, que en su día eran el sustento de muchas familias. En la isla del Turrueiro tan poco pastan vacas ni caballos. 

Quiero ser optimista y soñar que algún día los descendientes de las casas del Corto del barrio de Pias. Se que tendrian fuerzas para congelar el paradiso que nosotros destrozamos.

Lola – abuela de Sergio, Marina, Carmen y Manuel El Rosál (Pontevedra)


“One last time” – narrow images of being Old in movies


Self-images of aging: presence and desire in the work of women artists